Up to $300 in credits if starting before March 17! Call or Text (346) 307-2559 for details.


Right experience at the right time
Research has shown babies capacity to learn! As soon as they are born, their brain starts developing!
The first year of life is the perfect time to start developing the cognitive abilities that will influence them for a lifetime.
MyPlace's infant program is structured by age and development to make sure all our babies are safe and activities are age-appropriate.

Comfort Care
Every family has a scheduled orientation with the Director and Teacher before their start date! This helps our parents understand the classroom routine and our teachers to get more information about the child. This way, families feel confident while leaving their babies under our care.
Our teachers give our infants the best care, love, and attention. They bond through activities and comforting moments. We communicate with our families through a secure app. That way, information, pictures, and videos are sent to parents on time, through the day.
Infant A
Learning Milestone

Physical Milestone
Rolls and seat independently
Transfer objects from one hand to the other
Physical Milestone
Bangs objects together
Cruises or walks sideways along furniture
Physical Milestone
Releases objects from hands with control
Pivots in seating to reach for objects
Infant C
Learning Milestone

Physical Milestone
Pushes up on arms and lifts head
Brings both hands to mouth
Physical Milestone
Moves legs and arms off of surface
Grasps objects with no control
Physical Milestone
Begins to roll, sit with support and to rock on hands and knees
Hand and eye communication
Infant B
Learning Milestone

Physical Milestone
Stand and / or walk without help
Climb furniture or stairs
Physical Milestone
Try to help while putting clothes on
Drink from a cup and use a spoon (with messes and spills)
Physical Milestone
Stack toys and hold them down
Waves and claps