At My Place, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an important principle. Relating to others and developing social awareness are just two ways that SEL can help children focus, learn, and have a positive attitude in school. Thanksgiving nearly here and it’s a great time to help your child learn gratitude and being kind to others.
Studies have shown that gratitude offers benefits including reduced stress, improved relationships, fewer stomachaches and headaches.
Try these 10 ways to help your child practice gratitude:
Model gratitude. For example: volunteering, saying please and thank you, or doing a good deed without expecting anything in return.
Read books about gratitude and discuss the story together.
Encourage your child to write a quick thank-you note or draw a picture for someone they feel thankful for.
Create a family gratitude list, where every family member can write down things they’re grateful for.
Praise your child if you notice them doing something nice for another person.
At bedtime, share something (or things) that brightened your day.
At the beginning of the week, discuss some nice things you’re looking forward to doing for family or friends.
Explain to your child that some kids don’t have enough clothes or toys. Empower them to help by choosing something of theirs to donate.
When giving gifts, emphasize to your child why it’ll make the recipient happy.
Encourage your child to highlight their own positive traits and skills. Remind them that everyone has different circumstances in life.
These are just a few ways you can incorporate gratitude into your child’s daily life, both at Thanksgiving and year-round.